My brother Robert was in Massachusetts for a two-week class and called me hoping to get together on his free weekend. He had last been in New England 14 years before when we both received our introduction to Winter Mountaineering through the EMS Climbing School in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Although I'd returned to climb regularly, he hadn't been back to the Whites since. With little prodding, I agreed to try another climb of Mt. Washington.
The only problem was that Mt. Washington has a habit of living up to it's reputation of the worst weather on Earth! As the almanac data below shows, the summit was no place to be so we turned around well before reaching tree-line. |
We rounded out the day with a short walk over to the Harvard Cabin below Huntington Ravine, where I saw something for the first time -- all the gullys rated "high" on the avalanche board. On the way back down we saw an overly-engineered home-made sled, the owner didn't really seem too pleased with its performance.
Later, a walk to the cliffs at Frankenstein impressed me most with the corniced snow covering the railroad tracks!
The next day we went up to Arethusa Falls for some leisurely top-rope ice climbing. Being the end of March the normally small crowd that can occupy this remote place was nonexistent. In fact, we had to break trail through waist-deep snow to the base of the climb. This year Daylight Saving Time came early so the entire climb was in Sun making a cool day comfortable. |